
Articles of the Arcana: A Troika Tarot Guide

Created by Matthew Gravelyn

A tarot-inspired supplement for Troika, the other world's favorite fantasy role-playing game.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

All Rewards Are Shipped!
over 2 years ago – Mon, Sep 06, 2021 at 06:02:02 PM

Hello everyone and welcome to the update you have all been waiting for: ALL KS REWARDS ARE SHIPPED! I just dropped off the last batch today. It is a US holiday, so they won't actually go out until tomorrow, but US backers should be receiving them this week and next. International customers will likely wait longer depending on specific locations and method of transportation. 

The last batch of Kickstarter rewards in the mailbox.


Everyone either has already or will shortly received an email from the United States Postal Service (USPS) with some tracking information, if available. Unfortunately there won't be any indication of what is being shipped, but if you find one coming from Lakewood, WA that's probably Articles. Please refer to that and the USPS website for information or questions. At this stage, your rewards are literally out of my hands. 

Additional Stock

If you missed the project, decided you want more, or have a friend looking to get some Articles goodness, I have extra stock of books, tarot decks, and art prints here in limited quantities. You can message me here, DM me on Twitter @mrmatthew, or email me at [email protected]. The books and prints are a fixed amount; I don't have plans to reprint either in the near future. The tarot decks are cheaper if you order from me directly, but you can always order a print-on-demand version—which is exactly the same—from The Game Crafter. 

Articles of the Arcana books, tarot decks, and art prints are still available. Contact me directly!

This will likely be the last Articles-related update for you. If you are interested in my other work, please consider following me on Twitter. I also have another ttrpg project launching soon for a physical printing of my solo journaling game Clever Girl, which will include a very limited number of super special editions. You can get notified of that project's launch right here

Thank you for following along! 

Tarot Decks Have Arrived!
over 2 years ago – Mon, Aug 30, 2021 at 05:12:51 AM

Hello everyone! Today is a big update: the tarot decks have arrived! Fully two weeks early, I now have all the components to complete shipping. Here is what you can expect in the next few days:

  • You should be getting a notification from BackerKit, either to complete your survey, finalize your payment, or confirm your address. 
  • If everything is in order, just sit back and wait for your rewards. 
  • If you have not completed a survey, completed your payment, or finalized your address by the time I start shipping, you will not be getting rewards in the first wave. 
  • Shipping should only take a few days once I drop them at the post office. I will be trying to use BackerKit's system to upload tracking numbers. 

Thank you all for your continued patience during this time. Even though I've done quite a few KS projects, I always learn something new each time. This time, I learned that this particular manufacturer has much longer print times for larger orders and I will make sure to account for that in future projects. 

If you have any questions or issues with the state of your pledge, please don't hesitate to let me know. Let's get you sorted before shipping starts next week!

Tarot decks have arrived!
Spread template cards.
Game, deck, and art print bundle.

Shipping (Non)Update
over 2 years ago – Thu, Aug 19, 2021 at 09:23:09 AM

Hey everyone! I have received a few requests for updates, but unfortunately there are none at this time. The order is still in The Game Crafter's queue, with an estimated ship date of mid-September. It is position 10 in the queue, so maybe it will get made early, but I'll believe it when I see it. Either way, I will definitely update here as soon as I have any new information about the tarot decks and the conclusion of reward shipping. Thanks! 

Screencap from The Game Crafter order status page

Manufacturing & Shipping Delay
almost 3 years ago – Mon, Jun 28, 2021 at 11:10:53 AM

Hey everyone! This isn't going to be the update you want to read, but it's time to post it. I am currently delayed by the manufacturing and shipping of the tarot decks. The company that is printing them works on a queue system and there appears to have been a large influx of orders at this time. Coupled with the fact that I'm ordering over 150 tarot decks, it's just going to take them a while to get them all printed and shipped to me. I was waiting to see if the queue would move a bit quicker, but it doesn't look likely. The current estimate for me to have them in hand is now September. 

Books Arrived

The shipping delay with unfortunately overshadow the fact that I have the final print books in hand, but I wanted to share that with you anyway. They are gorgeous! This is my first book (not zine) and I am so enamored with looking at them. It has a really good feel to it as well and my wife—a connoisseur of new book smells—assures me they are fresh. I will be starting to ship out the books and prints to customers that are not waiting on a tarot deck. 

Articles of the Arcana books have arrived!

Split Shipping

For those who are expecting a tarot deck in addition to other physical rewards, and you would like to get your books and/or prints delivered separately, I am happy to set that up, but I cannot cover the additional shipping. I can work with you to get the absolute cheapest shipping costs available and send your books/prints to you right away, and then ship you the tarot deck when it comes in. If you would like to discuss that and get estimates for shipping, please send me a message here on Kickstarter. 

I'm terribly sorry for these delays. This is the first time I've printed such a large batch of non-book products before and it's taking a lot more effort and time than I expected. I appreciate your continued patience. I promise you, this deck is going to be worth the wait! 

Survey Updates
almost 3 years ago – Mon, May 03, 2021 at 07:29:21 PM

Hello everyone! This is just a quick reminder update to please fill out your surveys! All surveys are now sent through BackerKit, so if you haven't seen an invite email (spam, trash, junk, whatever, check all your folders!) please send me a message and I can help you out. My plan is to lock down surveys this weekend so I can get an accurate count of books and decks I need to order. Not filling out your survey in time may result in delayed shipping, higher costs, or missing rewards. PLEASE don't let that happen!

Also don't forget that you can add additional books, decks, or art prints in your BackerKit survey, so if you missed something in Kickstarter, you can correct that in BackerKit. 

And a last reminder: all backers who pledged for a tarot deck will have an additional $15 fee in BackerKit. This is basically me charging you what the print-on-demand site was going to charge you, and the difference between your pledge and the actual cost of the deck ($35). In exchange, I'm getting the deck printed in bulk with MUCH high quality, including UV coated and linen finished cards and a vertical tuck box. Trust me, this is SUCH a nice deck!

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns so we can get you all squared away this week. Thank you!